Five years ago I painfully parted ways with a company I was a sales rep for. It was a beauty company that had transitioned to network marketing.

It was by far one of the most devastating things I’ve ever been through. Not just the lost income, but the lost relationships and sense of my own self worth.

I’ve been pretty tight lipped about it for a long time. And I never plan to trash talk or get in the mud slinging accusations.

But just know, the hurt went deep and I wrote off the entire industry forever.

Until a month ago.

I hired a coach recently and am planning to get certified as an Emotional Intelligence coach (more on that another time) and working with my coach we started to peel back the layers of this trauma I experienced.

It was extremely uncomfortable.

And remarkably healing and surprising.

My coach said something like “If you were to ever do it again, it would look SO different, because you’d be building with vision, and rooted in your true identity. You’d build differently, and success would feel different too.”

And there it was. The tiny seed. If I ever did it again.

Something about this idea of being able to try again felt so peaceful.

Then days later someone slid into my dm’s asking if I’d ever try that business model again. Apparently people were losing their minds over this product, this “botox in a bottle”.

I’d heard it all before. Been pitched dozens of times.

But this time I didn’t cringe and reply “heck no”.

And THAT freaked me out more than anything.

What was happening? Why was I even CONSIDERING?

And then some things started to become clearer, and I started to pray.

I won’t go into the entire process, but know that it was long and grueling.

Tears, screaming, sweat and even laughter emerged as I let go of the hurt.

I prayed more. I felt peace. And I decided I was going to actually do this.

And it WOULD be different.

I decided to enroll after only trying one of their products. The famous botox in a bottle.

I planned to take this slow. And I still do.

I want to try all the things.

To learn the compensation structure.

And to work with INCREDIBLE women.

AND I also would be a fool to not share today’s deal because it’s one I wish I’d gotten.

If you’re still reading and are mildly interested, or feeling a strange stirring in your heart, the company is a 20 year old company based in Europe with an incredible skin care line that is the first waterless skin care line.

And if you join today as a distributor you get a $90 eye serum for free. OR you can buy some stuff ($199 worth) and get it free that way too.


I don’t share this for ME to hurry and build a team.

I’m sharing because somehow the right women keep finding this at the right time and their hearts are tugged and they don’t know why.

And if you’re one of them, and we worked together before or you’ve never known this side of my life, I want you to know what my vision is.

I’ll never put all my eggs (or even most of them) into a basket I don’t own.

This is a piece of what I’m growing. I am a business coach first and foremost.

My offers and business are remaining the same. I’m just adding to it. And quite honestly being brave.

Because in the words of a dear friend “Why freaking not?!” We only get one life.

So I’m all about learning and growing and being bold enough to try again.

I know what works in the network marketing industry. I grew a multi-million dollar team in 2 years and held an event for 1,000 of them in Nashville, teaching REAL BUSINESS STRATEGY.

Women who come into my world and do this with me will have access to more than just skin care training, but an entire library of business trainings. Email marketing, blogging, Pinterest, Podcasting and more!

I guess the last five years needed to happen to prepare me for this next phase.

And if you’re feeling the pull, I can’t wait to see how synchronized our paths are.

Click HERE to enroll and get that serum free July 4th only!

And if you’re reading this later, I’d still love to talk to you. Slide into my dm’s anytime HERE!

I can’t believe I’m posting this. Here we go….

P.S. This story has a prequel and a sequel. Stay tuned.