If you want to be successful, what is most important? Shifting your mindset and focusing on manifesting? Or working hard to earn your dream life?

On this episode I’m exploring the balance between energy and reality and how to navigate the world of manifesting, when you’re conditioned to work hard and pay your dues.

If you’ve been hustling hard and feel like your dreams are no closer than when you began, OR if you have been focusing intensely on positive thoughts to no avail…this episode will clarify how you can strike the perfect balance between both the “woo-woo” and the work!

Did this episode challenge your reality? What aha moments did it give you?

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Tune in to episode 308: The Secret of Success: The Method for Creating Massive Wealth+Success in Your Business

Remember, you are doing an incredible job. Give yourself some grace, lean into your calling, and watch as your life unfolds into the most beautiful collage you could ever imagine.