Aubrey Grossen joins me on the podcast today and shares her personal journey of fostering authenticity in her online business. She encourages the stance of ‘being a full you’ rather than fitting into a specific niche or mimicking what other successful influencers are doing. We talked about the powerful shift that occurs when one aligns their actions with their underlying beliefs, and the central role God plays in Aubrey’s business journey.
We talk about the different seasons in business – the times to push hard, build, and flourish, and the times to pull back and honor family life. Right now, Aubrey’s in a season of rest, and she emphasizes the importance of showing up fully as a mother. It’s a reminder we all need.
Aubrey drops some truth bombs about success being relative. It’s not just about the professional achievements; it’s about finding contentment in the present. Life and relationships take the front seat, and she urges us to assign a higher intrinsic value to those moments.
Trust me, you don’t want to miss this candid and insightful conversation. Aubrey brings a refreshing perspective to the table, and I can’t wait for you to soak in the wisdom she shares.